My brain has been trained to appreciate consistency and routine. While I think the 100 envelope challenge is fun and there is a sense of excitement when picking an envelope... not knowing how much you will need to enter into the savings jar (or specified envelope) causes me some anxiety. If I just had random amounts of money laying around, I might not need a savings challenge. Personally, I would go with the 'safer' challenge, the one I can budget for... the 52-week savings challenge.
If you are not familiar with either of these challenges, let me spell them out for you:
The 100 envelope savings challenge involves saving money by setting aside cash in 100 envelopes. Here's how it works:
Label 100 envelopes with numbers from 1 to 100.
Each week, choose an envelope at random and put a designated amount of cash inside. This amount can be determined by your budget and financial goals.
Repeat this process for 100 weeks until all envelopes are filled.
At the end of the 100 weeks, you will have saved a substantial amount of money without feeling the burden of having to save a large amount of money all at once.
The 100 envelope savings challenge is a simple and fun way to save money without making it feel like a chore.
The 52 week savings challenge involves saving a budgeted amount of money each week for a year. Here's how it works:
Choose a weekly savings goal: Choose a fixed amount that you're comfortable with, such as $50.
Create a savings plan: Consider setting up automatic transfers to make it easier to stick to your savings goal.
Track your progress: Use a spreadsheet to track your progress and keep yourself accountable.
Celebrate your success: At the end of the 52 weeks, you'll have saved $2,600.

Whichever method you participate in, make sure to celebrate your achievement and consider using the savings to reach a financial goal, such as paying off debt, building an emergency fund, or investing for the future.
This practice can also help you build the habit of saving regularly.
Anyone want to participate because I've come up with 4 versions of the 52-Week Savings Challenge that you're going to LOVE!
Click HERE to grab your printable PDF with explanations and a fun money tree that you get to bring to life!