While it is true that we want to get to the point where there is a 'built-up' bank of additional funds in your BILLS account, I would not suggest that anyone round up the numbers on their budget worksheet.
This budget worksheet will be looked at, checked and reviewed on a regular basis. The information on it needs to be exact and accurate.
If your monthly wifi bill is $123.30 - that is the exact number that should be shown on your budget worksheet. Not $124.00.
When you start playing with the numbers, you won't end up with an accurate budget.
If you have just begun the Master Your Budget in 4 Simple Steps program, I would suggest you follow the instructions to a 'T' for six months. Get yourself on a solid system and get your brain trained to expect the budget routine you are setting in place.
After that point, feel free to add a line to your budget that will allow you to grow the BILLS account so that you have that 'safety net' of extra funds.
Some experts say you should have a 3-month or 6-month stash of cash to cover your monthly expenses incase of an emergency. Well, although I do have clients who are in the top 1% of the financial food chain, none of them have 6 months worth of extra cash sitting in an account for an emergency fund. Most of the wealthy have money - but it's likely in some overseas account... if you know what I mean.
Round up to give to charity, don't round up on your budget worksheet. :)